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Diablo 4 Cellar Locations Guide

Seek out Diablo 4 cellar locations for the "Holding Back the Flood" step of the seasonal questline.

Completing 10 Cellars is a significant task within the Season Journey chapters.

The first season of Diablo 4 introduces a curse that affects Sanctuary, creating stronger enemies that drop Malignant Hearts.

The new quest line in Diablo 4 aims to combat this curse after the main story.

Cellars are scattered throughout Sanctuary, but unlike dungeons, they only appear on the minimap when they are nearby.

Exceptions include certain cellars tied to the Tree of Whispers quest, which grants Grim Favors upon completion.

Cellars, which are similar to mini-dungeons, take a minute or two to complete with a main room and objectives such as defeating a boss.

It is common to see cellar entrances on the minimap, unless they are needed for a specific quest.

Interactive maps such as Mapgenie serve as reliable tools for locating the 10 necessary cellars in Diablo 4.

Use screenshots that show approximate cellar locations to help you complete the chapter objective.

Use screenshots that show approximate cellar locations to help you complete the chapter objective.

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