Photo Credit: Kieran Dixon
Minesweeper is about uncovering grid squares while avoiding hidden mines. Numbered squares indicate adjacent mines.
Left-click to open squares, right-click to flag suspected mines. Right-clicking flagged squares converts them to question marks. The first click in Windows Minesweeper is always safe.
Beginners often start by clicking randomly, aiming to uncover larger areas with multiple numbered squares.
Simultaneously pressing both mouse buttons on a number with all adjacent mines flagged opens remaining safe squares. Incorrect flags may trigger mine explosions.
Photo Credit: Kieran Dixon
Three standard levels exist - Beginner (8x8 or 9x9 with 10 mines), Intermediate (16x16 with 40 mines), Expert (30x16 with 99 mines).
Photo Credit: Kieran Dixon
The game ends when all safe squares are revealed. A counter tracks unflagged mines, and a clock records the elapsed time. Best times per level are saved.
Photo Credit: Kieran Dixon
Tailored challenges are possible with custom grids up to 30x24, with 10 to (x-1)(y-1) mines.
Photo Credit: Kieran Dixon