Where to find Krampus in Warzone: Find in Urzikstan

Know the secret of Krampus’ unique entry in Warzone! In this post, you will learn where to find Krampus in Urzikstan Warzone, understand his creepy interactions, and what it means for the game’s future. Explore the intricacies of this new holiday update in COD.

For the past few years, Krampus has stolen years of happiness due to his immense powers. Krampus has now returned to Urzikstan in Warzone, but not in the way you’d expect. Here’s everything you need to know.

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Urzikstan Map in Warzone 3

A scare began after the Krampus Celebration Euphoria event came to COD Vanguard and Warzone. Following his arrival, players flooded the forums with complaints, rightfully wondering how this Ghost of Christmas would ruin Warzone and multiplayer matches.

As previously mentioned, Krampus made his debut in Vanguard, Sledgehammer Games’ latest Call of Duty title. It has been missing since then, but after Sledgehammer’s Modern Warfare 3 was released, the question arose: would the studio be brave enough to bring it back? No way, right?

Believe it or not, Krampus is in Warzone, at most, in Urzikstan, but not at the date you’d expect. Here’s everything you need to know.

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Where to find Krampus in Urzikstan

find Krampus in Urzikstan Warzone
Find Krampus in Urzikstan Warzone

The first thing you need to do is go to the location shown on the map above, the point of interest between Urzikstan Cargo and the Old Town Warzone area. As long as you get there without taking any damage, you’ll reach a small burial site with a hand visible in it. That hand is Krampus’s as if the ground had eaten it. Good luck, right?

The interesting thing is that you can interact with your hands. When you do, he starts to move and a flash appears across your screen that says, “Krampus is looking for you.” She continues to glare, “Mist canceled. Under the Krampus box.”

This message is subdued and yet fierce. The hand begins to move rapidly and a threatening voice says, “He will return.” Upon completing it, you get the “He Hunts You” calling card, a hint of some sort.

warzone 3 find Krampus in Urzikstan
warzone 3 find Krampus in Urzikstan

So, his appearance is different than ever in Warzone, but it’s a nice Easter egg that harkens back to old memories. In Vanguard/Warzone, when Krampus arrives, the first part of the above message appears on your screen, then he’s behind you and takes away the Christmas spirit.

More strings, it’s possible that Krampus will be back in Warzone and Call of Duty in the new Christmas. We hope he’s a little more satisfied.

Readers, have you also experienced something unique about your Krampus encounter? Share your opinions and stories in the comments!

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Lucia Davis

I have loved video games since the days of the family console, and I prefer adventure games such as God of War, Assassins Creed, Horizon Forbidden West, and Tomb Raider (before switching to RPGs). I have no bias towards any gaming console; for me, the best is the one that offers the most distinctive games. What matters to me are experiences with interesting storytelling, as the story is the basis of enjoyment more than the game-play.